
Each year Wirreanda Secondary School runs a comprehensive transition process, which allows families that have been offered a place at our school to get prepared to start. Included in our transition process are some of the following sessions and information:

  • statewide transition day
  • parent information session
  • parent afternoon teas for information sharing
  • laptop program information
  • school fees, invoices and school card information
  • year 7 Camp – term one 
  • primary School transition visit information
  • school uniform
  • mobile phone expectations
  • stationery, booklist and lockers
  • timetable
  • communications including Daymap, EdSmart and Qkr!
  • school map
  • and perhaps most importantly, how to prepare for the first day of school!


As part of our comprehensive transition program we ensure that all students and families are prepared for and ready to enter year 7 with us and feel part of the community before they enter the school on their first day as a year 7 student.