Fees and payments

Our payment options are listed on this page. These can be used to pay your family accounts, including school fees.

Contact us if you have any questions, need extra time or to make a payment.

Cash and EFTPOS

Our Finance Office has cash and EFTPOS facilities. You can visit the Finance Office to pay your account, or you can pay by credit card over the phone 8329 7258.

The Finance Office is open during school terms between 8am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

Online payments

Qkr! mobile phone app

You can use the ‘Qkr!’ mobile phone app to pay school fees and family accounts.

Visit school apps for more information, including how to download the app.


You can pay your account online through Commbank’s BPOINT.

Have your invoice ready so you can check the details of the payment, including the ‘Family ID’.

School Card

The School Card scheme offers financial assistance with school fees (watermarked materials and services charges and subject fees) for students attending government schools in that year. Forms are available from January to end of November at our Finance Office or online via School Card scheme

2024 Materials and Services Charges