Reporting and recording attendance

Attendance is recorded via Daymap (school Learner Management System) each lesson. This attendance data is imported into EMS for DfE/Centrelink purposes. Specific codes are used to identify the different reasons why students may be absent. Attendance is taken by teachers using laptops and monitored by Homegroup teachers and House Leaders.

It is the parent or guardians responsibility to communicate all reasons for absence. Absences can be reported in a range of ways:

All reported communication is recorded by a Student Service Officer (SSO) and appropriate adjustments are made to attendance records.

Monitoring Attendance

House Leaders and Home Group teachers monitor student attendance. If a student has an unexplained absence (day or morning lesson) then an SMS will be sent to the parent or guardian requesting a response. Where a pattern of non attendance is identified by relevant House Leaders, then appropriate action will be taken. This may include parent or guardian contact, consequences for the student and/or referral to the DfE attendance officer.


Students are expected to arrive at school from 8.50am and be on time to 9am lessons. Students who arrive late to school are required to report to Student Services to sign in as unexplained through the electronic Incidental Absences touch screen system, print their attendance receipt and have the SSO sign to verify the recorded reason. This will automatically update attendance on Daymap. If a student wishes to sign in late with an explained absence such as family/appointment, this must be communicated via the student absence process (Daymap/sms/voice message). The SSO will then sign in the student using the appropriate absence code.

Early Departure

Students who require to leave school early for necessary appointments, commitments or home study (senior students) require permission via communication through the student absence process (Daymap/sms/voice message). The student will report to Student Services where the SSO will sign them out. Any student requesting to sign out without a note/record of intended early departure, will not be permitted to leave until contact is made with a parent or guardian.