Year 7 Ready To Go FAQ - Wirreanda Secondary School Wirreanda Secondary School
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Year 7 Ready To Go FAQ

Is Year 7 definitely moving to high school in South Australia?
Yes, the independent and Catholic sectors have already moved, and the public education system will be moving in 2022. 

Is the pilot continuing in 2021?
Participation in the pilot remains voluntary, therefore Wirreanda Secondary School’s involvement in the pilot is dependent on the number of students registering an interest to enrol as Year 7s for 2021.  

What if my child is currently in Year 7?
Normal transition and enrolment processes will continue at Wirreanda Secondary School for current Year 7s enrolling as Year 8s next year.

Why is Year 7 moving?
Moving Year 7 into high school will align South Australia’s public schools with the national curriculum taught in secondary settings. Year 7 is taught in high school in all other jurisdictions because of the benefits of providing specialist teachers and facilities.

Will my child still get a Year 7 jumper/hoodie if they move?
Yes, a jumper/hoodie with the label of Leading the Way will be provided to all current Year 6 students enrolling at Wirreanda Secondary School in 2021. They will receive the hoodie in 2021 and there will be no cost to parents.

Will my child still experience graduation if they move?
Yes, there will be a graduation ceremony at the end of this year. Our staff will consult with Governing Council and students about how this ceremony will be managed and when it will occur.

Does my child have to enrol at Wirreanda Secondary School for Year 7 in 2021?
No, participation in the pilot is voluntary. You and your child may choose to stay at primary school to do Year 7 next year. 

Why was Wirreanda Secondary School short-listed for the pilot?
Wirreanda Secondary School and primary schools in the local education partnership were chosen because of our supportive environments and commitment to student wellbeing, strong connections and transition processes, positive working relationships and focus on progressive approaches to teaching and learning.

Will my child be OK in high school? What about their wellbeing?
Experiences from interstate shows that early adolescents thrive in the secondary setting. Wirreanda Secondary School has an excellent record for settling in Year 8s and if the pilot goes ahead, special attention will be given to the Year 7s. There will be a strong emphasis on student wellbeing and pilot schools will receive a grant to support the transition of the second cohort of Year 7 students, so that teachers and staff in primary schools and Wirreanda Secondary School can plan and support each student’s transition. 

Will my child be better off doing Year 7 in high school?
Undertaking Year 7 in high school will allow students to take advantage of access to specialist facilities, resources and exposure to different teaching styles. Students will have opportunities for deep learning, greater peer interactions, greater independence and responsibility. The Australian Curriculum was fully implemented in 2015 and designed to specialise for each subject, for example, science labs for science.

How do I register an interest in enrolling my child to do Year 7 at Wirreanda Secondary School?
Round one registrations of interest have now closed for current Year 6 students. Second round registrations can now be made for the 2021 school year. 

Is my child eligible to enrol in Year 7 at Wirreanda Secondary School?
When registering an interest, families must meet one of the following requirements to be eligible for a Year 7 enrolment:

  • The child is living in the Wirreanda Secondary School zone.
  • The child has a sibling currently attending the school.
  • The child has received and accepted an offer for enrolment by the school to participate in our Specialist Sports Course program.
  • The child identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
  • The child has been granted enrolment due to special or extenuating circumstances, including but not limited to a child in care where there is a custody guardianship order made under the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017.

What is the Wirreanda Secondary School zone?
A high school zone is a defined area from which the school accepts its core intake of students. Most government high schools in metropolitan Adelaide are zoned. With some exceptions, a student’s zoned school is determined according to their primary place of residence. You can use the school finder tool at to check if you’re in the Wirreanda Secondary School zone.

Why has the pilot been restricted to students in the Wirreanda Secondary School zone?
As this is a voluntary pilot program, students who are zoned for Wirreanda Secondary School may choose to stay in their primary school to complete year 7, and transition to high school as they normally would in year 8. Until the year 8 transition takes place, enrolments through the pilot program will need to be limited to in-zone students to ensure that there remains capacity for future cohorts.

What about the Year 7 students moving into Year 8 next year?
Regardless of the pilot, normal transition and enrolment processes will continue at Wirreanda Secondary School for current year 7s enrolling as year 8s next year. 

It will be important that both the new Year 7 students and the new Year 8 students in 2021 feel welcomed and included in their new school. Wirreanda Secondary School will make sure that the transition process provides a positive experience for both cohorts.

What will happen to my child’s teacher?
As part of the state-wide move of year 7 into high school, the Department for Education will be consulting with teachers and the unions about the process and options for moving to teach in high school and the professional development to support that move.  A similar approach will be taken with support staff. Neals IES
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